Friday, May 29, 2009

interseting news

Well long lost pictures of Obama were found recently of him smoking when he was yonuger I think that is really cooh.....That he took pictures like that and does not care what people think.....They were taking by a girl he use to talk to in s photo studio

Thursday, May 28, 2009

what are you doing for next school year?????

Well I am planning to get only A's and B's and try my best in school and come out on top with alot of studying........ get a job and be a good kidd and just chill and relaxs with my family and friends.....

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Summer time!!!!

Im going to be in miami and chillin with the family.....and chillin with my close friend....just kickin it and sleeping partyn and doing chorces and go to church and be good over the summer............

Friday, May 22, 2009

Senior memory!!!

I am going to remember Tory,Desi,Meme,Werier,and Kevaughn..........I met all of them in yearbook and their really cooh peoplez....Their memory is important to me because they are really funny and they can make me laugh....and there down to earth i am really going to miss them!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Where in the world would you go???????

I would go to Paris, and Rome..... Because they are very beautful and those place seem like they can take you into another world....It is peaceful and I can relax.....

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

First Day of Freshmen YEAR!!!! [STILL EXPERINCEING]

My first day of freshmen year I woke up really early had my dress coded fitted made sure everything was on check...I made sure I had all my school stuff on point I was good to go I had to have cash on me of course.....Then my dad and I headed out the door we went to go pick up my best friend Wilda a.k.a Lexa....We came to school so early so we were just walking around the campus...We told are friends to met up with us by the main Audi...Me and my friends we just talking and we were waiting for the bell to ring so we can get ready for class....As we walk to our classes it was mad weird....Then I walk into my first Block Mr.C world history honors.....It was okay he gave us are schedule...I went looking for my second block Mr.Marj algerbra 1 honors he is the COOHEST MATH TEACHER and my friend Luga was in there....Then we went to first lunch I so how met up with all my friends and we just chilled for the time.....Then I went to my third block class Mrs.Dunk English 1 honors....Thats were I met my crazi friend Ashley F.... That class was okay to.....Finally I went to my forth block MR.Conde Yearbook class..... This class was really cooh and this is were I met my good friend Alvin.... He WAS LIKE THE COOHEST KIDD i TALK TO THAT DAY BE SIDES Ashely but other then that my day was straight......Nd relaxing

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Good qoutes.......

This quote to me means thatdo what you want to do not what others are doing....And move at your time not at others time...Got to do what you have to do.......

Monday, May 18, 2009

First Day OF ScHooL !EVER!

Well my first Day OF kindergraten Was at Wellby Elementary I walk into the class room on the second day of school for most people. My teacher Mrs.SaintClair intoduces me to the class and my mom was in there with me and then I met my new best friend named Bria..In class it was alot of fun getting to know my classmates after that I met my other best friends Ericka, Daina, and Douglas.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Intersting news Kanye west

Kanye pleads not guilt with misdemeanor charges stemming from a scuffle with a paparazzo last year. There just talking about his changes and what he did and things but he still has a next hearing July 15

Thursday, May 14, 2009

What am I very good at

1. What is it ? I am very good at writing poems and making them into songs.

2. What can you do to prove you are good at it? Well I will let a person read it and then make a beat and turn it into a song.

3. Do you have anything interesting to say about it? Yes this is one of my favorite passions it makes everything alot better and people understand the feeling of the song or poem.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Well this picture says alot about what I am feeling about someone that I really want but right I just want to think about things and just chill for awhile til the time comes for me and him when where both ready..........................

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

something free

Music is something free where ever I go I hear music with out paying for it and I love music.................

Monday, May 11, 2009

something YELLOW

This picture of yellow says alot it express a different type of emotion for yellow more like looking in to the heart and firguring out what you really need......................

Friday, May 8, 2009

Interesting news
Controversy continues after pictures surface of prominent priest with unknown woman

Well in this news story a priest was caught on the beach woth a woman most people support this because your only human and everyone has to be with somone body. This happen in Miami Beach. Every one is surprise and has something to say about this...........

Thursday, May 7, 2009

What am I AFRAID of???????

1. What is it ? Losing someone very close to me

2. What can you do to get over your fear?Noting really its normal you really cant do nothing about it

3. Do you have anything interesting to say about it? Yuh I never want to lose this person their mostly everthing I want and everthing I desir in my world they complete what isnt all ready completed so its one of my greatest fear the thought of losing this person...............

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tell a story

This picture says alot like welcome to the beloved kindom........where there is nothing but peace and knowing that you have something to look forward to and there is nothing but love and safe hearts and those who care....................

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Maginze cover

This cover shows the way I feel most of the time and how I take things one step at a time and how I just sit and think about what has happen and what will happen and how much I cant explain how I feel about most things with out tears falling out my tears falling down................................

Monday, May 4, 2009

something RED

Hearts are red and our filled with all types of unexplainble feelings with undieble thoughts....Somethings that hurt build up and our heart just endures and takes and as we learn it grows with in time..............

Friday, May 1, 2009

Intersting news
There is a very smart two year old girl with an iq of 156 which is a lot because Estien iq was 160 man that little girl is super smart with super powers......... and she iis from england.......

Thursday, April 30, 2009

What am I regretting???????

Well I am regretting the fact that I really have not put my best foot forward in school and have not try my hardest....................

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Post a picture tell a story

Its off to battle time to defeat the ones who mess with the unbreakable.............Where going to do every thing it takes til we find our answers to all our questions.................

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I chose this wedding ring set because it is so beautiful and is really extravagant and it is something that everybody will find amazing.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Baby Looney Tunes iLearn

Well here they are sitting and learing how to read a book. Its Bugs,Tweety,Lola,Taz,Daffy duck,Sylvester..............But it looks like Taz is learing how to eat the book not read it............

Friday, April 24, 2009

news the new kay jewelers design

This design was created by Jane Seymour and what she created by that her heart paintins are always open so its new and I say kind of cost alot.......and the quote for the design is if your heart is open love will always find its way in..........

Thursday, April 23, 2009

What am I looking forward to????

1. What is it (Right now, or waaaaay in the future?) Well I am looking forward to haitian day.

2. What are you doing to get ready for it? I am going to go buy some fresh clothing and shoes with the shades and the flag.......

3. Do you have anything interesting to say about it? Yes that day I hope everybody just chill and be friends like no fights happens and no arugments go down just every body chilling and vibing with each other and have fun..........

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tell a story: I love bugz bunny
Bugs Bunny falls in love with Lola and she falls for him back there together at last... This is insperble...No one can break this because it is unbreakable and well bugs finally got his way and now he has Lola..................

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

something small

Man this car is really the small wow I wonder how tall people feel about this.......I chose this picture because it is uniqne and small and just really crazy sexy and cool...............

Monday, April 20, 2009

something strange

Man this person is really very very strange I wonder how this person sleeps at night. I chose this because it was strange enough...And not to strange that I could take it....

Friday, April 17, 2009

Intersting news
A truck gets caught with a lot of weed in their back truck of their pick up. But the person driving runs out the car and does not get caught It is worthabotu 500,000 thousand bucks.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

one of my favorite shows 90210

1. What is your favorite TV program?(Right now, or of all-time) 90210
3. Do you know anything interesting about any of the performers?no not that i can remember
4. What would you ask him/her/them if you met them?How much do they enjoy acting for this show.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tell a story: funny thing

This game is getting on my nerves I think if I yell at it it will decied to listen to me and let me win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And this is all Leroy's fault only if he'd let me play the game early...............Leroy get your butt over here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

something new like cars

This is the brand new Toyota Venza that is a 2009 car this very nice one of my dream cars. It has space as you can see and it just looks so cool. This is something new with nice benefits.

Monday, April 13, 2009

The history of NIKE

Nike has been out since 1972. The name nike came from a greek godess. Which means victory. The swoosh logo was design by Caroline Davidson in 1971.
Caroline Davidson was a student at Portland State University in advertising. She met Phil Knight while he was teaching accounting classes and she started doing some freelance work for his company. Phil Knight asked Caroline to design a logo that could be placed on the side of a shoe. She handed him the SWOOSH, he handed her $35.00. In spring of 1972, the first shoe with the NIKE SWOOSH was introduced,the rest is history!
Now nike has really big hits and all types of celebrity are sign with the company. So many people go crazy over this company and their shoes. Many people enjoy wearing nike and it is a really big hit. Its most famous celebrity that is sign withh them is Michael Jordan. His clothing and espacialy his shoes are what many people enjoy wearing.
shoes shoes.

Friday, April 3, 2009

what is my favorite song?

1. What is your favorite song?(Right now, or of all-time) My favorite song right now is called knock you down
2. Who is the artist? Keri Hilson
3. Do you enjoy all of this artist's music? No not really
4. Do you know anything about this performer?No I do not
5. What would you ask him/her/them if you met them?What inspired her to think of a song like this

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Something new.

Omg he cuts all of his hair wwwwhhhhyyyy?????? I guess It's because of that year of the genltmen stuff. He wants to show others that yeah he has what it takes to shave off all of his good, long, beautiful hair. I guess like he says he was tried of getting it braided and just wanted to try something new.Well he is showing all his fans that its a newlook and new time to show even with out his hair he is still the same man.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

T.I. On His Sentence: 'I Think I Made Out All Right'

In this article T.I is talking about the things he wants to do befor he turns hisself in for his jail date. Befor he goes in all he wants to do is spend time with his family. He just wants to chill and relax kick back and enjoy what he can. It is also talking about the things he has done. His show is about helping others get a second change and realize that they can do good and they can do what they put their mind to. He is telling the interviewer that he going to do the best and help out any way he can.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

about me

To start off I am a funny, intelligent, cool, in and out there kind of person. Most people I know say I am cool to be around.What makes me sad is when something sad happens to someone I konw.What makes me angry is when a person press my buttons and does not want to stop. I love sports, shopping, going to church, and chilling with my family and friends and those are also the things that make me happy.In this world I thing there are many things wrond with this world. First off most people get mad way to fast and I think that they need some consuleing.This world needs peace.The kind of person I am is nethier bad or good because I am mix between both.